A Marvellous makeover

A Marvellous makeover

The great “Marvel makeover” of Docklands Stadium was completed in October, but it took a lot of hard work to get there.

The most spectacularly-difficult task was installing the giant neon sky-sign on the harbour-side of the stadium, with much of it being undertaken by daredevils hanging from ropes. But just as impressive was the sheer breadth and scale of the exercise.

Overall, 1513 signs were replaced to re-badge the stadium as “Marvel” after 10 years of being “Etihad”. Within that number were 203 different sign styles. The largest were 35m x 6.3m, while the smallest measured just 85mm x 20mm.

Internally, the stadium replaced nearly 500 Tensabarrier cartridges, while 78 City of Melbourne directional signs were altered and 18 road signs were changed.

Disney has made its presence felt within the stadium with superhero murals and immersive activities at various locations.

Marvel Stadium CEO Michael Green said: “We look forward to welcoming fans at Marvel Stadium and to experience the stadium and some of its changes for themselves, in particular the ‘how do you measure up’ wall at Gate 3 and the Marvel Vault retail store at Gate 2.”    

“It was a tremendous effort by all involved and we are very happy with the result.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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