A great month for cyclists

A great month for cyclists

October was a great month for local cyclists, with Ride2Work Day and the announcement of further government investment in cycling infrastructure.

Around 800 cyclists joined in the Victoria Harbour Ride2Work Community Breakfast in Docklands on October 16.

Active Melbourne City Sports (AMCS) runs the breakfast each October to celebrate Ride2Work Day and encourage people to take up the challenge of riding to work.

According to AMCS’s Peter O’Rourke, attendance at this year’s breakfast was up from the estimated 500 people who got involved last year.

“This year’s event was a major success due to the support of Victoria Harbour and Lend Lease, combined with a record number of fantastic stallholders who got involved,” Mr O’Rourke said.

“Furthermore, the support and promotion of the event through the local Docklands businesses was first class.”

Cyclists who attended the breakfast were treated to free coffees, fruit, breakfast items and sports drinks along with free massages, a bike repair stand and a bike engraving service.

“We hope to build on the success of this year’s event for next year and to continue raising awareness about the benefits of riding to work,” Mr O’Rourke said.

Alongside Ride2Work day, local cyclists also enjoyed the news last month that the State Government will invest $2.36 million on increasing safety along three of the state’s cycling routes.

The investment includes $1.8 million on improving safety to and from Footscray Rd, a peak route for cyclists travelling from Melbourne’s west into Docklands and the CBD.

According to the member for northern metropolitan region Craig Ondarchie $700,000 will be spent on signals where Footscray Rd intersects with Pearl River Road and Waterfront Way.

“This will help cyclists and pedestrians cross safely, particularly during the morning and afternoon peak,” Mr Ondarchie said.

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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