Council given more planning powers

Council given more planning powers

By Alison Kinkade

On July 8, Planning Minister Justin Madden announced that the City of Melbourne would be given increased planning powers over Docklands.

 Under the new arrangement the City of Melbourne will become responsible for the developed areas of Docklands – including parts of Harbour Town, Digital Harbour, Victoria Harbour, Waterfront City, Batman’s Hill, Yarra’s Edge and the Stadium Precinct.

VicUrban will continue to be the planning decision-maker for the remaining undeveloped areas and will continue to lead the further strategic development of Docklands.

Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said: “We are delighted with Minister Madden’s decision to include the City of Melbourne at the table to plan for the next decade, and are confi dent the genuine partnership between the Brumby Government and the City of Melbourne will benefi t our waterfront precinct as it moves into its second decade.”

Mr Madden said the time was right for the City of Melbourne to shape the planning future of Docklands.

“VicUrban will still play a lead role in master planning development in the Docklands area. However, there is an enhanced commitment to working with the City of Melbourne in planning the expansion of this new community.”

Cr Doyle said the decision strengthened the genuine partnership formed between the State Government and the City of Melbourne to ensure the best future planning outcomes for the city.

Mr Madden said he looked forward to working with the council to make the next decade of Docklands even more successful.

“Six billion dollars worth of investment, 98 per cent of the developable land contracted to private developers, and the relocation of 40 major corporates to the area have all been achieved in this fi rst ten years,” he said.

Both Mr Madden and Cr Doyle agreed it was critical that future planning for the suburb married community infrastructure alongside private development.

“To ensure we get this planning right, we call on the residents, workers, investors, visitors – everyone who has a stake in Docklands – to participate in the ‘Second Decade’ consultation process,” Cr Doyle said •

For more information on how you can contribute to Docklands’ Second Decade visit http://www.docklandsseconddecade. com/consultation-events/

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