VicUrban boss quits

VicUrban boss quits

Docklands’ top-ranking bureaucrat David Young has resigned from VicUrban.

words by Shane Scanlan

Mr Young assumed the top job in Docklands less than 18 months ago and has presided over a period of upheaval and redirection for the State Government’s development arm.

VicUrban has struggled to reinvent itself after being given a new mandate earlier this year to focus on urban consolidation. Staff morale has plummeted amid forced redundancies and multiple resignations.

There is speculation about VicUrban’s future beyond the state election on November 27. VicUrban controls all new development in Docklands but is not publicly accountable.

Mr Young has been generally unpopular with staff , developers and the Docklands community. His resignation on October 21 came only a day before his predecessor Michael Hynes’ last day at VicUrban.

Mr Hynes also resigned. He was shifted sideways when Mr Young became general manager, project planning and innovation with particular responsibility for Docklands mid-last year.

VicUrban’s Docklands division is down to about 10 people – a far cry from the 52 who worked for the previous Docklands Authority.

Mr Young said his future was “under wraps” but told Docklands News he was taking his daughter to see her English grandparents. His last day will be November 5.

He said he resigned out of choice and was not pushed. He said he felt he had made a signifi cant positive change in Docklands’ direction and was leaving at a time when the precinct was well positioned to enter its second decade.

VicUrban chief executive Pru Sanderson agreed that Mr Young’s leadership meant Docklands was in a strong position.

She said Docklands development director Simon Wilson would be acting general man- ager for Docklands until the position had been formally filled.

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